Welcome to Excel IT
This is what we EAT and BREATH, everyday
This is where we sit down, grab a cup of coffee and deep-dive in the details.
If this is what your business runs on, we are the marathoners.
Our strength to support your IT backbone.
We drill down your application layers, pin-point and bring out the best performance.
If something is moving fast, its this. And we are keeping pace with it.
If you called us 'ex-lit', you are not the only one. We at Excel IT, are focused on building relationships with our clients and consultants.
Our knowledge, patience and zeal to deliver, helps us achieve success. We understand, analyse, ideate and execute. This is where we really begin to visualize your business needs and ideas. We then work together to deliver pre-screened, expert consultants and our employees to complete your team.
Now that you know us a little, engage us for that missing link and deliver the undelivered.
Let borders not stop the skills
Our Client Domains
Enterprise Security Solution
We understand the importance of securing the security configuration. That is why we built - BOLT
Bolt is an Enterprise security manager tool, designed to create, config and mange ISAM security junctions.
Create, Validate and Deploy tested configurations, with a few clicks. Promote your tested configurations to higher environments. Dashboard provides view of Junction landscape to everyone, including management and developers.
Business or Consultant ?